“Education is expensive, if you want something cheaper, try ignorance,” this is one of the clichés that has ben well worn and said over a million times. But this cliché is a reality that painfully bites.

Nowadays, only a few numbers of students have parents who can really afford their education in college without placing excessive burden on their shoulders. The common scenario for youths today is working while studying at the same time, especially in college, working students as what they are termed.

Most often the academic performances of these working students’ suffer if they will not be able to manage their time wisely. But are we going to allow education to be exclusive only for the wealthy? The answer is, definitely not.

That is why education grants benefits and opportunities exist. The purpose of this is to help the students to sustain their college education by generating educational funds though minimal.

Grants unlike scholarships are based on the students’ specific need, if not a combination of needs and merits.

However, before you get this privilege, you have to be assured that you are eligible for the opportunity. Basically, the process of grants benefited both the students and the institutions that are using that grant money to develop the curriculum, employ new faculties, and construct new facilities.

The difference of grants to the scholarships and students’ loans is that it is given to the benefactor without any expectation of repaying it. Grant is a monetary gift. Scholarship on the other hand, is awarded according to the academic merit though it is also a monetary gift.

However, the students’ loans really differ among the three privileges. Students’ loan is the sum of money being borrowed by the student to finance his schooling with the agreement to repay it after some time with the corresponding interests.

The awarding of grants may come in general categories, or it may also be awarded to students who are pursuing a specialized degree program, like mathematics or business, or to various degree levels, such as Bachelors, Associate, Doctoral or Masters.

Also, grants may come originally from different sources: college and university, public and private organization, and federal state.

Since grants are specially meant for the financially unprivileged, certain grants exist for the deprived, underrepresented minorities and students. There are also some cases wherein the grant money is exchanged for professional service after the graduation. This is common to those taking up health care professions. The main purpose of this is to keep trained professionals in medically underserved regions.

Grants are particularly taken up by the adult students to return to college or to college programs that will direct them in reentering the place of work.

This is usual since college does not anymore require for the traditional age, specifically between 18 to 24 years of age. Americans nowadays are becoming more and more practical in considering several chances to receive a degree. And this modern perception has driven adult students to flock into colleges without the fear of public scrutiny unlike before.

The world today is requiring skillful and sharp new set of labor force for them to be able to join the flow of the competitive market. And for the applicants to be credible for these characteristics they must present a college diploma.

Hence, having a college degree is really vital.

No doubt individual efforts and endeavours are important and they should be respected and encouraged. At times these lone individual efforts are so intense that it not only influences the individual but transforms and influences the cosmic world. Of course these are exceptions but it proves beyond doubt that each human being is God’s prince and that he potentially has all divine powers albeit latent in his psyche. If man so desires he can convert these latent powers into active powers.


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No doubt individual efforts and endeavours are important and they should be respected and encouraged. At times these lone individual efforts are so intense that it not only influences the individual but transforms and influences the cosmic world. Of course these are exceptions but it proves beyond doubt that each human being is God’s prince and that he potentially has all divine powers albeit latent in his psyche. If man so desires he can convert these latent powers into active powers so as to enact amazing tasks at the cosmic level. People with radiant minds do exactly this. Such radiance gets re-instated as great men and with their extraordinary endeavor solve contemporary problems of the world. The divine incarnations of God are of this level. Their special leadership qualities at the world level, bestow on them, the title and respect of “God”. This is a description of the peak of greatness of an individual.

Despite all this the deep import of the environment stays put in its position. Its influence is noted at every step and there is an intense need that this environment should be made favourable. For this the only solution is congregational spiritual endevaour. Presently these efforts are being used, to achieve the goal of manifesting Era Power (Yuga Shakti).

The influence of the environment can be known by noting the differences in the shape and inner nature of men. It is the environment that induces skin color, differences of brown, yellow, white, black etc. These special qualities called hereditary qualities, that influence the skin color, ultimately are related to the difference in environment in different nations and regions. The small large forms of human beings are as per one’s nation and region. The difference of bodily might in Punjabis and Bengalis (of India) can be attributed to influence of the environment. On an average majority of the people of Uzbekistan (in Russia) live for 100 years. There is nothing special about their eating habits, material comforts etc. Like other people they too eat what others eat but live upto 100 years. Then what is the reason behind these people living a long life of 100 years? The answer is the influence of the regional environment on their bodies.

There are differences not only at the body level but also at the inner nature level. This is the influence of the gross and subtle environment. The basis of the differences regarding culture, civilization etc. is how has the belief, mental inclination and habit been molded in which region and in which direction is the flow of the thinking and activities of these people? This flow does not change easily. Hence it is believed to be a difference in culture and it is nourished too. These special qualities not only overflow in one’s inner nature but it also abounds in one’s ideals.

There are different levels of beasts, plants, ores etc. on the basis of the differences of the environment. When one compares animals of one country with those of another, only the external shapes differ but there is a vast difference as far as their physical might is concerned, the capacity to give milk etc. The different amount of wool present on a sheep’s body is attributed to the difference of environment in various regions. There is a great difference between dogs bred in mountains and those of the countryside. The potential to endure seasonal changes is attributed to the subtle special characteristics of that area. These creatures of cold regions can endure cold and those of hot regions can endure heat with relative ease whereas this becomes difficult for those born in different conditions at the time of change. Those traveling in fast moving vehicles often complain of ill health. This is because the endurance power of the body, fails to adjust with environmental changes.

Differences have been noted in the shape, smell, taste etc. amongst herbs, plants, fruits, flowers etc. Despite the fact that the name and form of herbs grown in various regions are said to be identical, yet there is an extraordinary difference as far as their chemical nature and other qualities are concerned. Differences have been noted in the shape and nature of birds, insects etc. The differences seen in the characteristics of snakes, scorpions, lizards, spiders etc. seem to be based on species’ differences, yet even these have their roots in differences based on the environment.

Differences are noted amongst regions of various countries as far as conditions, traditions, beliefs, likings and culture are concerned. Children born in various regions imbibe that particular mental attitude and nature, due to the influence of that particular environment. The thinking, nature and actions of such children are similar to that of other people living in that region. When there is a pressure of the majority, the minority start imitating the majority. This is called trend of time, flow of that era etc. As soon as seasonal changes occur, like summer, winter etc. the characteristics of all creatures, plants and materials too change. A lot of changes take place in our activities when the season is favourable.

Scientists know that everything present and produced on earth is not the result of some accident and it cannot be called a creation of human beings. Over here quite a few things take place wherein lies the hand of subtle powers and not of human beings. The spots seen on the sun, change with the change in state of the sun. Such solar changes deeply influence our planet Earth. Amazing changes are noted in the state of material objects and conditions of all creatures as a result of solar changes. We are fully aware of how radiations, magnetic storms, storms, cyclones make ordinary circumstances extraordinary. Due to interstellar space invisible energy rains showers, snow eras have manifested on earth time and again. Situations of water floods, oceanic changes and partial annihilation have been noted. If in future extraordinary changes in material objects of earth or state of living beings are noted, its instrumental cause will be interspace invisible movements and not ordinary events. During times of floods, famine, intense snow, epidemics etc. man becomes totally helpless.

A person is generally independent and powerful in his life. Despite this his status is ordinary as far as the movements and condition of the cosmos is concerned. He cannot induce rain from clouds overflowing with water that stand on his head. He fails miserably when it comes to obstructing old age and death. His authority over circumstances is negligible. Rarely can he save himself from the flow of time. He cannot stop winter season from manifesting and at the most, he tries to overcome cold by wearing warm clothes and lighting fire.

So it is very clear that man is influenced by the environment. People of different nations live a life that is influenced by their national traditions and thinking. Within that it is the influence of the environment that is at work and not their material brilliance.

With the congregation of consciousness, favourable changes can be induced in the atmosphere. Many a times such inspirations overflow from the invisible world, that within that storm, man’s intellect flies about like dry leaves and grass. The urge for war abounds. During such times many experience the need of a major war and are ready to fight. A very strange frenzy looms large in society. There is no need to talk about it or explain it. The speed and heat in the air is such that the layman’s intellect gets hypnotized and thus it flows with the trend of time. Scholars of public psychology know very well how during gigantic war frenzies and regional riots, the environment gets incited and heated up. Just like this war frenzy other subtle flows too manifest time and again and work like storms, to induce infinite intellects to follow in its footsteps.

There was a time when there was a flow of democratic thoughts which uprooted rule of Kings and replaced it with the miracle of people voting for their desired government. Then a wave of communism manifested wherein under the leadership of Russia, many Asian and European countries too followed in its footsteps. Today half the people of the world accept communism and they either wholly or partially follow in its footsteps. These thought flows of democracy and communism can be counted as intense waves of this era. Time and again waves of lesser utility, like feudalism, casteism, capitalism, socialism etc. too have raised their hoods. A wave is a wave. An onlooker on the seashore witnesses the terrible ebb and flow of the oceanic waves. Many a times various thought waves too manifest like this which carries alongwith it, innumerable intellects and transports them to far off lands.

Lord Buddha’s Wheel of Time was predominantly flow oriented and not based on materialism. Material created a flow. And flow created materials. It was not as though Harshvardhan, Ashok and other kings had unitedly appointed Buddha as a religious preacher. It was Buddha who heated up the subtle atmosphere and due to that heat thousands of wise, capable and wealthy humans joined him in spreading his message. Every religious leader of the past, by heating the atmosphere in their individualistic manner, induced waves of acceptance of their holy message and in that stream swam innumerable followers. Even in those countries which cut asunder the bondage of alien rule, the waves of independence manifested and as a result, terrific movements ensued so as to reach their goal. Those who know the precepts of the subtle and invisible environment are fully aware of the might of such waves. Its stormy night cannot be compared to any other force of the world. If one can understand the nature and deep import of the inspiration of that flow which induced monkeys of the Ramayana era to valiantly jump into the fire, it will be clear that the subtle environment has as much amount of power to lure the humans of the world, to walk in the direction of a particular flow, which is no less powerful than movements based on material paraphernalia.

One cannot depend on advertising instruments for public acceptance and cooperation as much as one can go on the favourable nature of the environment. There is a greater possibility of success, if the flow of the subtle world cooperates in our endeavour. If the wind is flowing from behind, it is easy for ships, airplanes and even people to walk on roads and they can thus move very fast to reach their destination. If the environment becomes vile, terrible epidemics ensue and in a short time span thousands of people die. Due to intense cold in the environment living beings are seen to shiver. Many people are influenced by a sorrowful environment in their house. One can see how different the environment is of a temple and that of a slaughter house. In Spiritual Science the importance of the subtle world and its environment supersedes all material apparatus of the world. For Era Transformation we will have to make intense efforts based on Spiritual Science so as to make favourable the environment.

Scriptures give us proof of the methods used time and again by Spiritual Scientists so as to purify the subtle world. Despite the victory of Lanka, the task of balancing the distorted environment during Ravana’s era remained unfulfilled. Lord Rama had fulfilled his vow of executing 10 Ashwamedha Yajnas on the Dashashwamedha Ghat. Despite the death of demons like Kansa, Duryodhan, Jarasandha etc. the distortions of the Mahabharat era continued to prevail in the environment. Lord Krishna saw the need of its purification and hence asked the Pandavas to perform the Rajasuya Yajna. The Asuras came to know of the gigantic Yajna performed by Maharshi Vishwamitra meant to weaken demonic force and thus with the help of demons like Tadka, Subahu, Marich etc. they tried to obstruct these Yajnas. Ram and Lakshman were sent to protect those Yajnas. Yajnas have played a great role in carrying out solutions for social problems. Japa (Mantra chanting) too is a Yajna like the Agnihotra (fire sacrifice). Materials are needed for a fire sacrifice but Mantra chanting Yajnas, do not need many materials. Yajnas are generally congregational. In it one sees the miracles of the spiritual endeavour of Hotas (preists). When Japa Yajnas (Mantra chanting) are carried out by many Mantra chanters a great amount of congregational power manifests. Such congregational spiritual practices are called Purascharanas. Purascharanas carried out for special goals via penance based congregational resolves, too make the environment conducive.

Era Transformation is the biggest, most intense, most widespread and most important task of our world. For that not ordinary and limited, but extraordinary and unlimited energy is required. For this there will be a need of material apparatus yet the root source of energy will be spiritual. To transform and purify the public’s psyche is the task of spirituality. Hence the energy required too should be of this level. The greatness or lowliness of the environment is dependent on congregational thinking. Its manifestation is possible only via intensely powerful, congregational righteous programs based on congregational spiritual practices. Today all of us are endeavouring in this direction. One can hope that the results of these pious efforts will play an extraordinary role in the great goal of Era Transformation.

Evisu began in 1988 when Hidehiko Yamane, a self confessed connoisseur of jeans, went on quest to find the best products to import from anywhere in the world. But he became frustrated, as nowhere could he find quality denim.

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Evisu - Jeans - Mens, Womens, Low Rise, Tight, Designer Jeans

Evisu jeans
began in 1988 when Hidehiko Yamane, a self confessed connoisseur of jeans, went on quest to find the best products to import from anywhere in the world. But he became frustrated, as nowhere could he find quality denim. That is until he stumbled across a 1950’s American loom, capable of weaving forty metres of “selvedge” denim a day. With this he developed the idea of producing exceptional jeans for connoisseurs like himself and Evisu was born.

Originally called Evis after the Buddhist God of prosperity, a seagull symbol was hand painted on each pair of jeans. It was a laborious process only producing twelve pairs of jeans a day. But in the nineties fashions were changing and before long the demand for vintage jeans grew and so did Mr Yamane’s business. In 1997 production had to be moved to Italy but it still used the famous Japanese jeans. Today the seagull trademark can be seen all over the world and Evisu continues to expand with its newest additions including ‘Evisu Shoos’, ‘Evisu European Edition’ and ‘Kizzu’.

Evisu t-shirts new spring/ summer collection takes it inspiration from the summer Japanese festivals, but still with evidence of Mr Yamane’s love of 1950’s American denim. Mini denim skirts are making an appearance to complement colourful t-shirts with the Evisu logo. And his influence of Japanese culture is clear with graphics of cherry trees, the lucky cat and Buddha.

Columnist Nan Russell shares career insights learned over 20 years in the corporate world, including as a Vice President at QVC

working, success, winning, attitude, career

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Most people are looking for the secret to success; the secret to being a millionaire; the secret to winning at working. To help them find it, Amazon.com currently inventories 1,797 books promising success secrets, everything from "Mustang Sallies: Success Secrets of Women Who Refuse to Run With the Herd" to "The 21 Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires."

So, if you're one of those looking, I'll save you some time. The bottom line is this - there is no secret. There's no magical formula to follow; no short-cuts to take or lottery tickets you can purchase. People who are winning at working know it takes persistence, determination, commitment, passion, practice, focus and hard work. There are no secrets to any of that. Just look around.

Take Chester Carlson. Chester became a rich man as the successful inventor of an electrostatic paper-copying process that later became the Xerox Corporation, even though twenty corporations rejected his idea. It took Chester seven years of persistence and determination before he found one tiny company willing to purchase his invention.

Or take Julia Child. After receiving a contract for a French cookbook, Julia worked five years, with two collaborators, only to produce a manuscript that was rejected by the publisher. A year of revisions produced another rejected manuscript. But Julia refused to give up. It took eight years and a second publisher for Julia's cookbook, which sold more than a million copies, to find a bookshelf.

If you want to be winning at working, stop looking for some secret "out there" to bring you success. Instead, turn your sights inward and you'll find everything you need. You see, you're the secret to your success. But if you think you don't have what it takes, think again.

Visit any craft fair, hobbyist, volunteer organization or internet blog. Note poets, musicians, artists, athletes, hackers, spammers and graffiti artists. Determination, persistence, initiative and hard work manifests itself in many ways and places, some positive endeavors and some not so positive. But it's the same ingredients. And they're inside you waiting to be tapped.

People work on novels after a full day's work. They develop products in their garages, then figure out how to manufacture and market them. They volunteer to coach their daughter's soccer team or organize food drives for their community. They put energy into their interests and passions. They persist against hardships, set-backs and disappointments, demonstrating with their actions they have what it takes.

Stop looking for success secrets and start realizing you're the best kept secret you have. Like Moliere puts it, "The heart can do anything." Find your heart in your work and you can do anything, too.

The Harley-Davidson motorcycle has been in production since 1903. The brand offers a variety of models for both men and women. While this brand of motorcycle is among the most expensive, the models also have a reputation for being reliable and well built. Harley-Davidson bikes are also well know for the power behind them as they were initially built as a racing bike.

The sell of the motorcycles were slow in the beginning. The one cylinder bike they made in 1903 sold quickly, but by 1905 they had only sold 11. They continued to improve their designs, and it paid off. By 1908 they had sold 154. They decided to move production from a tiny barn to a factory and hired 20 employees. The bar and shield logo that graces each and every Harley-Davidson bike was introduced in 1910.

By 1912 the business was booming. There were 200 dealerships in the United States and Japan was demanding more and more bikes. By 1914 almost all motorcycles in the racing circuit were Harley-Davidsons as they could out run all other brands on the market. Over 20,000 bikes were sold to the military and used in the war. No one was surprised in 1918 when Harley-Davidson became the largest motorcycle manufacturer in the world.

From 1940 until 1945 consumers were very disappointed as it was almost impossible to purchase a new Harley-Davidson. This is because the company had signed another large contract with the United States military, supplying motorcycles for the war. However, this lead to the 1950’s being a difficult time for Harley-Davidson as many consumers got tired of waiting and started purchasing other brands of motorcycles. By 1957 though Harley-Davidson was back on top with the introduction of the Sportster.

Minor changes to the style and design of the motorcycles took place through the early 1980’s. Harley-Davidson decided some major changes were in order. They introduced a model that featured a five speed transmission called the FLT. They also replaced the drive train with a belt. The twin engine was introduced in 1984.

Harley-Davidson has always taken pride in listening to the consumers of its products. They earned the respect of many owners in 1987 when they introduced their Buy Back Program. This allowed customers to obtain the full trade in value when they came to purchase a newer model.

Since then, Harley-Davidson has continued to introduce a variety of new designs including the Fatboy that has sold well. Men and women both find Harley-Davidson motorcycles to be comfortable bikes that are well designed. Riding one is also a prestigious symbol to many.

Today, you can find a variety of Harley-Davidson retailers all over the world. They offer a full range of motorcycles to choose from. You can even have a customized bike built for you from the factory. You will find the sales people to be friendly and informative. Harley-Davidson also offers one of the best warranties on motorcycles in the industry.
Harley-Davidson has stood the test of time when it comes to manufacturing quality motorcycles. This is because they have continually worked to improve upon their designs. They have also paid attention to what consumers are looking for and been willing to produce it when other motorcycle brands have hesitated. Harley-Davidson has earned a loyal consumer base with many claiming they won’t consider riding anything else. The company is reaping the rewards of their dedication, owning 62% of the motorcycle market.

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